Adding text in the middle of the screen


First Step


Second Step

Decide what will trigger the behavior. This could be an action like a collision, an interaction, or players entering a game. Select a “Trigger” box and drag it into the editor.


Third Step

Navigate to the “Effects ” section, select the ‘Text on HUD’ block, and add the text you want to appear on the screen. For example, you might select ‘Text on HUD Hint’ to provide players with essential instructions, guidance, or narrative after some action is triggered in your game.


Fourth Step

Exit the Behavior Editor, playtest and ensure it works as expected!

Adding text above an object in the map


First Step


Second Step

Decide what will trigger the behavior. This could be an action like a collision, an interaction, or the game starting. Select a “Trigger” box and drag it into the editor.


Third Step

Navigate to the “Effects ” section, select the ‘Text on Object’ block, and add the text you want to appear on the object. Don’t forget to tap on the Object field and then select your desired object on the map.


Fourth Step

Exit the Behavior Editor, playtest and ensure it works as expected!